Personal Bailouts May Have The Cash You've Been Looking For is better than using Google Maps to search the earth, so let’s go treasure hunting online. can locate any money that is yours and may be sitting in some state treasury. Better than any ol' bailout, this is your cash that you may have forgotten about because it was a tax refund you never received because you moved before it got to you. It could also be a utility deposit, or some bank dividends, even your last paycheck before you skipped out, or who knows what?

$33 billion is sitting just waiting to be claimed. Attention New York and California residents: your states do not participate in, so you should go to a website from the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators’ Web site,

While you should never pay a fee to reclaim your property, it can be a long process, so be patient, and happy hunting for your missing money.
Trend Themes
1. Unclaimed Property - The trend of searching for unclaimed property through websites like provides an opportunity for companies to disrupt the traditional banking and financial institution industries.
2. Online Treasure Hunting - The trend of using the internet to search for unclaimed property provides an opportunity for tech companies to disrupt the traditional treasure hunting and metal detecting industries.
3. Personal Finance Management - The trend of individuals searching for unclaimed property provides an opportunity for fintech companies to disrupt the personal finance management industry by offering new tools and software to track and manage one's own finances.
Industry Implications
1. Banking and Financial Institutions - The unclaimed property trend provides an opportunity for companies to disrupt the banking and financial institution industries by providing alternative methods for individuals to access their money.
2. Treasure Hunting and Metal Detecting - The online treasure hunting trend provides an opportunity for companies to disrupt the traditional treasure hunting and metal detecting industries by offering digital solutions for people looking for lost or unclaimed property.
3. Fintech - The personal finance management trend provides an opportunity for fintech companies to disrupt traditional personal finance management industries by offering new tools and software to help individuals track and manage their finances.

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