This Mini Warbler Teenage Dream video is beyond adorable.
There are no doubt thousands of Glee fans all over the world; however, I'm fairly certain this tiny fan has the most spirit of them all. This viral video features a young boy who is performing a dance routine in front of his television. He's dancing along to an episode of Glee in which they perform Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream.' What's so precious about this Mini Warbler Teenage Dream video is that the little boy has all of his moves down perfectly. He has memorized the entire routine, and even has an identical costume to the characters in the show.
The Mini Warbler Teenage Dream video packs a lot of personality and pumpin' moves into a tiny tot.
Singing Toddler Stars
The Mini Warbler Teenage Dream Video is Adorably Glee-ful
Trend Themes
1. Singing Toddler Stars - Online videos of children singing and dancing to popular music are gaining popularity.
2. Miniature Costume Design - Creating miniature costumes for children to replicate their favorite characters is a new trend in costume design.
3. Memorization Training for Kids - Parents are enrolling their kids in classes to improve their memory and memorization skills, potentially leading to more viral singing and dancing videos.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - As more children become viral sensations for their singing and dancing abilities, the entertainment industry may see a rise in child star development and casting.
2. Costume Design - Designers may find a new market in creating miniature replicas of popular costumes for children's dress-up and performance activities.
3. Education - With the trend of children memorizing complex routines and songs, educators may find opportunities to develop curriculum and training programs to improve memorization skills in children.