Michael Lowe's paintings may not actually have lights in them, but that doesn't make them any less luminous. The series featured in the gallery above is just a selection of Michael Lowe's work, which uses geometric shapes and multiple layers of paint to create images that jump out from the canvas.
Michael Lowe's work is more complex the closer you look at it. The circle shapes give way to floral patterns in the background, which add depth and interest.
Luminescent Abstract Artwork
Michael Lowe and His Ethereal Abstract Paintings
Trend Themes
1. Ethereal Abstract Art - Opportunity for artists to explore new techniques and mediums to create luminous abstract artworks.
2. Geometric Shapes in Art - Potential for designers and illustrators to incorporate geometric shapes and patterns to create visually captivating works.
3. Multilayered Painting Techniques - Innovation potential for artists to experiment with multiple layers of paint to add dimension and depth to their artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Opportunity for art galleries, art educators, and art suppliers to showcase, teach, and provide materials for the creation of luminous abstract artwork.
2. Interior Design - Potential for interior designers to incorporate ethereal abstract paintings as focal points and conversation starters in residential and commercial spaces.
3. Printing and Publishing - Innovation potential for printing companies and publishers to explore new techniques to reproduce and showcase luminous abstract artwork in books, magazines, and online platforms.