Melbourne's Holy Pub

Docklands Church

Nothing like an ocean view, a chilled beer, servers with Aussie accents and... mass? A pub in Australia has been converted into a church for those looking for a really modern experience. Aside from a regular service, holy spirits abound; the Docklands Church does, in fact, serve ale and traditional pub grub.

A group of Christians wanting to attend mass in a churchless area of Melbourne created the make-shift place of worship inside the James Squire Brewhouse.

The church offers food, tea and coffee during the service, but no alcohol is limited to before and after.
Trend Themes
1. Church-to-commerce - More churches will be repurposed into commercial spaces, creating new opportunities for innovative businesses.
2. Religious Hospitality - Religious institutions will increasingly offer hospitality experiences to attract new audiences and generate revenue streams.
3. Faith-based Entertainment - Faith-based organizations will expand into the entertainment industry to reach new audiences and promote their message in innovative ways.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can partner with religious institutions to provide unique experiences and reach new customers.
2. Real Estate - Real estate developers can repurpose abandoned churches into commercial spaces, breathing new life into underutilized properties.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry has an opportunity to collaborate with faith-based organizations to create engaging content and experiences for diverse audiences.

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