Teen Film Juice Drinks

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The Mean Girls x Ocean Spray Collab Celebrates the Film's 20th Anniversary

To mark the 20th anniversary of Mean Girls, Paramount Consumer Products teamed up with Ocean Spray to launch Mean Girls x Ocean Spray Zero Sugar Cranberry and Mixed Berry Juice Drinks.

Regina George mentions cranberry juice in the cult classic film but does not see the results she wanted from the "South Beach Fat Flush" since her cocktail was high in sugar. Ocean Spray Zero Sugar Juice Drinks is free from sugar and artificial sweeteners, speaking to consumers today who are similarly looking to avoid drinking excess sugar.

To celebrate Mean Girls' milestone anniversary and the Mean Girls x Ocean Spray Zero Sugar Juice Drink Cranberry and Mixed Berry flavors, Ocean Spray teamed up with Rajiv Surendra—known for his role as Kevin G—to create a bold, refreshing "Zero Sugars Given" rap.
Trend Themes
1. Pop-culture Beverage Collaborations - Partnering beverages with iconic films or cultural milestones can create nostalgic and trendy product lines.
2. Zero-sugar Innovations - The increasing consumer demand for health-conscious beverages drives the creation of zero-sugar and natural ingredient alternatives.
3. Celebrity-driven Branding - Leveraging personalities and characters from popular media provides a fresh twist to conventional product marketing, engaging diverse audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The collaboration between Ocean Spray and Mean Girls illustrates innovative product development tailored to modern health trends.
2. Entertainment & Media - Film anniversaries and popular media figures offer opportunities to create limited-edition, co-branded merchandise.
3. Health & Wellness - Zero-sugar beverages align with the growing market of health-conscious consumers seeking low-calorie, natural ingredient options.

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