Vegan-Certified QSR Frozen Desserts

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McDonald's Vegan Scoop Comes in Choco and Strawberry Flavors

The McDonald's Vegan Scoop frozen dessert is being trialled by the QSR brand in the UK to provide diners with a deliciously creamy treat that's completely dairy-free. The frozen dessert comes in two flavors including Choco and Strawberry, which will be available at 52 of the brand's locations in the North West of England.

The frozen dessert comes served in a tub-style cup similar to the McFlurry and is certified vegan by The Vegetarian Society, but is warned by the brand as being processed in a facility that handles dairy to give warning to those with allergies. Diners can try out the frozen dessert now through September 3, 2024.

The McDonald's Vegan Scoop frozen dessert is priced at £1.59 and, if successful, could show up at additional locations or as a permanent option by next year.
Trend Themes
1. Vegan-friendly QSR Desserts - The introduction of the Vegan Scoop at McDonald's highlights the growing demand for plant-based dessert options in quick-service restaurants.
2. Flavor Diversity in Vegan Products - Offering multiple flavors, such as Choco and Strawberry, showcases the trend of diversifying plant-based dessert offerings to appeal to broader consumer tastes.
3. Vegan Certification Awareness - Certifying vegan options, like McDonald's Vegan Scoop, increases consumer trust and highlights transparency in food production.
Industry Implications
1. Quick-service Restaurants - Introducing vegan-certified options like the Vegan Scoop addresses the rising consumer interest in plant-based diets within the QSR industry.
2. Plant-based Foods - The launch of vegan desserts by major brands such as McDonald's encourages growth and innovation in the plant-based food sector.
3. Food Certification Bodies - The approval from The Vegetarian Society for McDonald's Vegan Scoop underscores the importance of third-party certifications within the food industry.

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