Quilted War Weaponry

The Marianne Jorgensen Tank Blanket is Handmade Anti-War Activism

This Marianne Jorgensen tank blanket is a remarkable example of the power citizens can have if they come together for a common cause.

Danish knitter Marianne Jorgensen is outraged that her country has gotten involved in the US-Iraq war and is determined to make her anger known through knitting. Marianne began creating a massive quilt made from pink yarn which she planned to drape over an old WWII tank.

Word spread and eventually, Marianne had local and international volunteers helping her knit pink squares. When the blanket was finally finished, it was wrapped around the tank, becoming a symbol of the pointlessness of war. Marianne explains that knitting symbolizes home and family, so this pink blanket greatly contrasts the tank and makes a mockery of battle.

This Marianne Jorgensen tank blanket is a crafty and clever method of activism.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-war Protest Art - There's an opportunity to create more creative and impactful art forms that voice concerns against war
2. Community Activism - Individuals can come together as a group to voice their opinions and cause change
3. Sustainable Crafts - There's an opportunity to use sustainable materials and traditional crafts to create socially conscious art
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists can collaborate across different mediums to create politically conscious pieces
2. Textiles and Fashion - There's an opportunity to use textiles and fashion to make statements and create awareness around social issues
3. Activism and Community Organizing - There's an opportunity to grow community involvement and educate people on social issues

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