Elevated Classic Pizza Recipes

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Marco's Pizza Margherita Magnifico is a New Take on a Classic

Marco's Pizza Margherita Magnifico pizza is making its way to participating locations in time for the end of summer and back-to-school season to provide customers with an elevated take on a classic recipe.

The pizza starts off with the brand's signature house-made dough that's stretched to a thin crust, and topped with Marco's signature sauce, a three-cheese blend of never-frozen cheeses, freshly sliced mozzarella and Roma tomatoes. The pizza is then finished with basil harvested from a California-based farm to provide a touch of fresh, herbaceous flavor. The pizza is then finished with a garlic-sauced crust along with Romesan sprinkle for the perfect touch of cheesiness and saltiness.

Director of Culinary Innovation, Marco's Franchising, LLC Kathleen Kennedy commented on Marco's Pizza Margherita Magnifico pizza saying, "The Margherita Magnifico is a testament to the brand’s dedication to delivering innovative options that appeal to a variety of tastes and flavors. With fresh mozzarella, a flavorful basil drizzle, and a light, golden crust, we’ve taken the classic Margherita and elevated it to a whole new level. Our customers can taste the difference with every bite."
Trend Themes
1. Elevated Classic Recipes - Revamping traditional dishes by using high-quality, fresh ingredients like Marco's does with the Margherita Magnifico attracts a diverse customer base.
2. Artisanal Fast Food - Combining fast-food convenience with artisanal quality, as seen in Marco's use of house-made dough and freshly sliced mozzarella, meets the demands of modern consumers.
3. Seasonal Menu Offerings - Launching new menu items aligned with seasonal themes, such as the end of summer and back-to-school periods, captures specific market demands and boosts sales.
Industry Implications
1. Quick Service Restaurants - Integrating gourmet elements into traditional fast food offerings innovates the dining experience, appealing to a quality-conscious crowd.
2. Food Manufacturing - Developing and sourcing fresh, designated ingredients from specialized farms enhances product originality and customer satisfaction.
3. Culinary Innovation - Continual development of innovative recipes and flavor combinations maintains brand relevance and customer engagement in a competitive market.

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