Coolly Uncluttered Eyewear

The Massada Fall/Winter 2012 Collection Focuses on the Wabi Sabi Story

The Massada Fall/Winter 2012, which focuses on the Wabi Sabi Story, was photographed by Yosuke Demu. This captivating photoshoot takes place in a wooden house, sauna and a magical, cold landscape. Two female models and one male model create a very interesting story of love, happiness, fun and desire.

The photos for the campaign have a Jim Jarmusch film atmosphere by channelling mood and character development. The cold pastel hues are contrasted with warm colors of the interior. Wearing elegant designs, the models are captured looking cool and bundled up not only in winter clothes and accessories. Swimming costumes in front of frozen lake -- why not? From elegant white dresses, bird-patterned shirt, dark pastel swimming suits to naked bodies, this edgy shoot is fearlessly styled.

The inspiration for this collection are the good old days, but Massada has added something modern and luxurious to a standard vintage look. Using mirror lenses and adding a modern twist, the collection is the ultimate marriage of classic style with unquestionable quality.

With models wearing no makeup it looks more natural. The photos showcase a variety of textures of the wood. According to the Massada blog, the Wabi Sabi "simply is the Japanese art of finding beauty within imperfectness, ephemerality, and incompleteness of surrounding us world. Undeclared beauty that waits patiently to be discovered. It’s simple, slow, and uncluttered -- and it reveres authenticity above all."
Trend Themes
1. Mirror Lenses - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop mirror lenses with enhanced durability and clarity for eyewear industry.
2. Natural Makeup - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create natural makeup products that enhance and embrace individual beauty for cosmetics industry.
3. Wabi Sabi Aesthetic - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate the Wabi Sabi philosophy of imperfect beauty into product design and branding for various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Eyewear - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate modern and luxurious elements into vintage-inspired eyewear designs.
2. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with edgy styling and unconventional combinations in fashion campaigns and collections.
3. Interior Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate the Wabi Sabi aesthetic into interior design to create spaces that celebrate imperfection and authenticity.

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