The Mad Tea Collection was created by student Neha Hattangdi as part of her curriculum. Design students at the University of San Francisco were asked to create an exclusive brand and product line that celebrated the work of a literary author. Hattangdi selected the late great Lewis Carroll as her muse and created this whimsical Mad Tea Collection in his honor.
The fictional brand produces blends of whole leaf teas and combines them with fresh cut herbs and flowers. This magical celebration of the author's undeniably staggering legacy captures the essence of the Jabberwocky scribe. The set includes three flavors of tea leaves each adorned with illustrations of characters from Alice in Wonderland. The box also contains a bar of extra dark chocolate, reusable tea bags, a strainer and a brochure.
Clever, whimsical and well-executed to boot, the Mad Tea Collection is so alluring it makes you wish it were real.
Wonderland Beverage Sets
The Mad Tea Collection Pays Homage to Lewis Carroll
Trend Themes
1. Whimsical Product Lines - Designing exclusive product lines that capture the essence of beloved literary authors presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the consumer goods industry.
2. Whole Leaf Tea Blends - Creating blends of whole leaf teas infused with fresh cut herbs and flowers opens up disruptive innovation opportunities in the tea industry.
3. Illustrated Packaging - Incorporating illustrations of beloved characters from popular literature on product packaging offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the packaging design industry.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Goods - Developing exclusive product lines that pay homage to beloved literary authors presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the consumer goods industry.
2. Tea - Exploring the creation of whole leaf tea blends infused with fresh cut herbs and flowers offers disruptive innovation opportunities in the tea industry.
3. Packaging Design - Incorporating illustrations of beloved characters from popular literature on product packaging presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the packaging design industry.