Magical Optical How-Tos

The Mad Eye Moody Mad Eye DIY is a Fun Project

Instructables user KaptinScarlet has managed to make one of the most noticeable props from the Harry Potter franchise with his Mad Eye Moody Mad Eye how-to.

He states the reason behind this wonderful DIY: "Mad Eye Moody was one of my favourite Harry Potter characters. Brusque but brutally honest, tough and resourceful, with a compassionate side, he is the wizarding world’s best known cyborg as a result of his prosthetic magical eye."

The Mad Eye Moody Mad Eye DIY project is a perfect idea to don for the final film’s premiere or alternatively, use as a Halloween costume.

Implications - Consumers want to re-create their favorite franchise's products throughout their lifestyle. By doing this, they escape the real world and allow themselves to play into their fantasies.
Trend Themes
1. Franchise Diys - Consumers want replicable franchise-inspired products in their lifestyle, providing room for DIY instructions on popular franchises.
2. Fantasy Escapism - Consumers seek a way to escape reality and live out their fantasies.
3. Pop Culture Costuming - As evidenced by Halloween costumes, consumers express their fandom through dressing up as pop culture characters.
Industry Implications
1. Crafts and DIY - Craft and DIY industries have the opportunity to create and distribute instructions for replicating pop culture items.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment industries can capitalize on this desire for franchise immersion through merchandise or pop-up experiences.
3. Costuming - Costume and fashion industries can create licensed and original costumes based on popular franchises.

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