Epic Sci-Fi Series Mash-Ups

The Lost/Star Wars Mash Up Posters by BAM POP! are Awesome

Artists Jen and JJ Harrison have combined the greatest show ever with one of the most glorious films of all time to create movie posters of epic proportions aptly named the Lost/Star Wars mash up posters. The posters are for the hit television show 'Lost' with a Star Wars theme thrown on top. They resemble the original Star Wars posters in design, but the characters have been replaced with the cast from the hit show.

Luke Skywalker has been replaced by Dr.Jack Shepard and James Sawyer has taken the place of Han Solo. In the background, one can see the looming face of John Locke in place of Darth Vader. These posters bring back memories of sitting on the couch with eyes glued to the screen in total suspense while watching an awesome show -- Star Wars and Lost are interchangeable in this flashback. While both series have now come to an end, their awesomeness will live on forever.
Trend Themes
1. Sci-fi TV and Film Mash-ups - Combining two iconic sci-fi franchises to create new and exciting content.
2. Reimagined Movie Posters - Recreating classic movie posters with a fresh twist to appeal to new audiences.
3. Nostalgic Fan Art - Creating art that brings together beloved characters from different franchises.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Opportunities to create new forms of content by mashing up existing TV and film franchises.
2. Art and Design - Opportunities for artists to create new fan art, merchandise, and posters with mash-up themes.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunities for brands to partner with artists to create unique and attention-grabbing campaigns that will resonate with younger audiences.

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