Gummy Locket Necklaces

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Lemme Dropped Specially Designed Jewelry to Hold Functional Gummies

Locket necklaces traditionally keep small photos of loved ones close to the heart, and Kourtney Kardashian Barker's vitamin and supplement line Lemme ingeniously adapted this concept to create jewelry that holds one of its health-boosting gummies, making wellness just as stylish and accessible.

Styles include Lemme Love and Lemme Live, both with Haricot Vert’s signature picto-charms and hypoallergenic hardware. The limited-edition necklaces feature special pendants to hold a favorite Lemme gummy—perhaps Lemme Wake Up for a boost of energy on the go or Lemme Chill for de-stressing.

On launch day, some of the styles sold out. Until the charm necklaces come back in stock, fans of the brand can feel good that purchases support P.S. ARTS, a nonprofit devoted to advancing equity and opportunity for children and youth through arts education in public schools and communities.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Jewelry - This innovative accessory combines fashion with health benefits, allowing users to carry wellness products conveniently.
2. Personalized Wellness - Customizable health-focused items are gaining traction as consumers seek tailored solutions for their lifestyle needs.
3. Tech-enhanced Accessories - The integration of smart design in everyday accessories is making health management more discreet and user-friendly.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - The combination of stylish accessories with health supplements points towards a growing market for innovative wellness products.
2. Fashion and Accessories - The fusion of utility and style in fashion items is creating new avenues for accessories that offer both aesthetic and functional value.
3. Nonprofits and Social Good - Collaborations with charitable organizations can boost brand image while contributing to important social causes, reflecting a trend towards purpose-driven consumerism.

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