Healthful Private Brand Campaigns

'Little Helps to Healthier Living' Touts Tesco's Healthy Choices

Though Tesco, the UK supermarket chain, is primarily a food retailer, it's using its private brand to encourage consumers to make healthy decisions as part of the 'Little Helps to Healthier Living' campaign. The campaign includes TV ads, purchase suggestions, and recipe changes in hundreds of Tesco products all with the intention of making healthy choices easier for consumers.

Tesco has already removed over 8,000 tonnes of sugar and sodium from its own private brand products, but the Little Helps campaign extends beyond that change. Tesco has reduced prices on many of its items, both private label brands and fresh produce like apples, avocados, bananas, and tomatoes. Further, the store offers free pieces of fruit to kids shopping with their parents, and it has increased the visibility of that free fruit campaign.
Trend Themes
1. Healthful Private Brand Campaigns - Opportunity for retailers to leverage their private brand to promote healthier living and make it easier for consumers to make healthy choices.
2. Reducing Sugar and Sodium in Own-brand Products - Opportunity for food retailers to remove sugar and sodium from their own-brand products, appealing to health-conscious consumers.
3. Increased Visibility of Free Fruit Campaigns - Opportunity for retailers to provide free fruit to kids and promote healthier snacking habits among young consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Supermarket Chains - Opportunity for supermarket chains to create private brand campaigns that focus on health and wellness.
2. Food Retail - Opportunity for food retailers to innovate by reducing sugar and sodium in their own-brand products.
3. Child-focused Marketing - Opportunity for retailers to enhance their child-focused marketing strategies by offering free fruit to kids and promoting healthier eating habits.

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