Zesty Melon Hybrids

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Marks & Spencer's Limelon Has the Juciness of Melon & the Crispness of Citrus

Marks & Spencer launched a limited-edition hybrid fruit for the summer called the Limelon that is said to taste like a juicy melon with a hint of lime. M&S recommends enjoying the zesty melon with yogurt, savory salads or on its own, so that its unusual flavor can be appreciated. Although melons are beloved for their mild and sweet flavors, this new treat has the potential to offer a different way for people to find refreshment this summer.

M&S is no stranger to releasing hybrid foods, as it has debuted everything from pitless avocados and croissant-pretzels to Yumnuts, which combine the best features of classic and twisted donuts.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Fruits - The rise of hybrid fruits presents an opportunity for brands to offer unique flavor experiences to consumers.
2. Unconventional Flavor Pairings - Innovative food pairings like the Limelon bring excitement and discovery to the food industry.
3. Limited-edition Releases - Creating limited-edition releases can drive consumer interest and increase sales for brands.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can capitalize on the trend of creating unique and unconventional flavor experiences for consumers.
2. Retail - The retail industry can benefit from creating limited-edition releases of unique products, driving consumer interest and increasing sales.
3. Agriculture - The agriculture industry can explore opportunities to develop and grow hybrid fruits to meet the demand for unique and exciting flavors in the market.

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