Illuminated Wavetography

David Gilliver's Light Paintings Look Like Video Game Landscapes

David Gilliver's light paintings are truly a treat for the eyes as it appears virtual reality graphics have somehow become a part of our realities.

Gilliver creates these light paintings through use of long-exposure cameras and special light tools to mold his lights into ribbon and spherical shapes and the end result resembles something you'd see straight from the Tron movies. It's really quite spectacular seeing an eerie blue ocean wave made of light taking over a landscape of German built WWII bunkers or seeing an enigmatic sphere of light seemingly exist in the middle of castle grounds. The rainbow light-colored walkways and canon light explosions will dazzle your eyes and have you wishing the effects could be achieved in real-life as opposed to just in this exciting collection of photography.
Trend Themes
1. Light-painting Art - The emergence of light-painting art could lead to artistic collaborations with various industries such as fashion, film, and advertising.
2. Long-exposure Photography - Long-exposure photography could disrupt the way we capture motion in various industries such as sports and entertainment.
3. Augmented Reality Landscape - David Gilliver's light paintings could inspire the creation of augmented reality landscapes in the gaming and tourism industries.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - David Gilliver's light-painting art could be integrated into the art and design industry to create innovative installations and exhibits.
2. Film and Entertainment - Long-exposure photography can add new dimensions to film and entertainment production, creating dynamic visual effects.
3. Gaming and Tourism - Augmented reality landscapes could revolutionize gaming and tourism experiences, immersing people in fantastical worlds.

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