Sustainable Ready-to-Drink Beverages

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Kirin Hyoketsu Mottainai is Made with Irregular Fruit

The Kirin Hyoketsu Mottainai beverage series is a new lineup of refreshments from Kirin Brewery in Japan that's crafted with irregular fruit to give each product a sustainable edge.

The drinks will arrive on the market starting May 7, 2024 and respond to the challenges that fruit farmers have faced in recent years related to climate change and rising costs. The result is a delicious drink that makes use of an otherwise wasted product. The ready-to-drink (RTD) refreshments have a 5% ABV.

The Kirin Hyoketsu Mottainai beverage series will see one yen from every product sold donated to the producers of the fruit used in the recipe to further give back and aid them in their struggles. This current product is made with Yokohama pear with around 22,000 pieces used and thusly saved in its production.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Beverage Consumption - In a time of climate challenges, consumers are drawn to sustainable beverage options that utilize irregular fruit to minimize waste.
2. Community Support Initiatives - Brands are embracing initiatives where a portion of sales goes back to local farmers, creating a stronger connection between consumers and producers.
3. Creative Ingredients Utilization - Innovative beverage makers are transforming irregular fruit into delicious drinks, showcasing the potential for reducing food waste in the industry.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - The beverage industry is ripe for disruption with sustainable ready-to-drink options that address climate challenges and support local fruit producers.
2. Agriculture - Agricultural sectors can explore new revenue streams by partnering with beverage companies that value utilizing irregular fruit and giving back to farmers.
3. Food Sustainability - The food sustainability sector can benefit from innovations in utilizing at-risk fruit varieties, fostering more responsible consumption habits in consumers.

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