Naughty Plucked Poultry

Freaky Frozen Chicken Kama Sutra by Jeph Gurecka

These frozen chicken figurines are really unusual pieces of taxidermy and come from artist Jeph Gurecka. The subject, in the case of these tantric works of art, is a raw chicken, much as you would find in any supermarket.

In a beyond strange concept, the artist arranged the frozen plucked chickens in a series of positions from the Kama Sutra. Not content with this, he further messes with your mind by trussing up the chicken to look like a visual representation of the human body.
Trend Themes
1. Art Taxidermy - Opportunity for artists to create unusual and unique taxidermy pieces.
2. Food Art - Innovation in combining food and art to create provocative and unusual art pieces.
3. Chicken Sculptures - Development of innovative frozen chicken sculptures for artistic purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Opportunity for artists and galleries to create and display provocative and unique art pieces.
2. Food and Beverage - Innovation of combining food and art to create new trends in culinary experiences.
3. Retail - Unique and unusual frozen chicken sculptures as a potential product line for specialty retailers.

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