Lovingly Illustrated Branding

Kallo Rice Cakes Packaging Was Redone with Pride in the Product

The designer of the new Kallo Rice Cakes packaging explains that the old brand identity didn't appropriately celebrate the value of its high quality contents. Perry Haydn Taylor thus strove to improve the look of the snacks with the suggestions of the people who love them.

Catering to a consumer base of intelligent, health-conscious people, the new image is fresh and bright and expertly illustrated with adorable scenes. The drawings at least subtly reference the ingredient from which each variety gets its flavor, including a picture of the sea for the salted kind and purple fruits to represent blueberry. Kallo Rice Cakes packaging is brightly colored, though rather earthier in scheme for the original sorts. It's as easy to love the branding as it is to love the product.
Trend Themes
1. Intelligent Packaging - Designing packaging that reflects its high quality contents to cater to the health-conscious consumer base.
2. Illustrated Branding - Expertly illustrated branding, with adorable scenes that subtly reference the ingredients, to make products more appealing.
3. Consumer-led Marketing - Involving the consumers in suggesting the new branding strategy that can add value to the product.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Opportunities to design packaging and branding that reflects healthy food content and caters to intelligent and health-conscious consumers.
2. Design Industry - The need for refresh and redesign of product packaging and marketing to appeal to a wider consumer base.
3. Marketing Industry - The opportunity to involve consumers in the designing brand strategy that leads to impactful and customer-centric branding.

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