Dissected Superhero Figurines

These Justice League Dolls Showcases the Heroes as Partial Skeletons

Jason Freeny is an artist known for his artwork and toys that have a particular anatomical skew to them, and the creative recently teamed up with Adam Tan and Mighty Jaxx to create a series of Justice League dolls that present the popular superheroes with partially dissected bodies. The toys feature a two-sided design that displays the heroes as their iconic shelves and then also as anatomical skeletons.

The figurines showcase a side of the heroes often not seen in comic books and films -- one that explores the mortality of their characters. The figurines showcase the core Justice League characters such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman as four inch plastic dolls with half of their body rendered as a skeleton. While one side of the doll showcases the hero in costume, the other shows their organs and bone mass for an added unconventional perspective.
Trend Themes
1. Anatomical Design - The trend of showcasing anatomical designs in toys creates unique and thought-provoking perspectives on familiar characters.
2. Disruptive Collectibles - The rise of unconventional collectible figurines disrupts traditional ideas of what is considered valuable and desirable in the industry.
3. Exploring Character Depth - The trend of representing beloved characters in a more vulnerable and introspective light opens up opportunities for storytelling and character development.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Toy manufacturers can explore the trend of anatomical design to create unique and collectible toys that appeal to a niche market of collectors and enthusiasts.
2. Comic Book Merchandise - Companies in the comic book merchandise industry can tap into the trend of disruptive collectibles to offer fans unconventional and exclusive items that stand out from traditional merchandise.
3. Art and Design - The trend of exploring character depth through anatomical designs presents opportunities for artists and designers to create thought-provoking artworks and sculptures.

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