Remixed Cheesesteak Sandwiches

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Jersey Mike's Subs Cheese Steak Sandwiches Come in Two Options

These new Jersey Mike's Subs Cheese Steak sandwiches are making their debut as an updated take on the classic recipe to provide diners with a new option to try out this spring. The sandwiches come in two varieties including the Salsa Verde Chicken Cheese Steak and the Smoky Southwestern Cheese Steak, which offer new takes on the recipe for customers to enjoy.

The Salsa Verde Chicken Cheese Steak features grilled chicken, onions and peppers with a salsa verde sauce for kick of spice, while the Smoky Southwestern Cheese Steak has grilled beef, onions and peppers with southwest sauce. The new Jersey Mike's Subs Cheese Steak sandwiches are a limited time offering that will be promoted via a digital advertising campaign and two television commercials to boot.
Trend Themes
1. Limited-time Offerings - The introduction of limited-time varieties like the Salsa Verde Chicken and Smoky Southwestern sandwiches creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
2. Fusion Flavors - Combining traditional cheesesteaks with salsa verde and southwestern sauces introduces hybrid recipes that appeal to adventurous eaters.
3. Digital-first Promotions - Leveraging digital advertising campaigns and television commercials emphasizes a modern approach to reaching target audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fast-casual Food - Innovations in limited-time menu items can drive traffic and interest in fast-casual dining establishments.
2. Food Marketing - Utilizing integrated digital and television advertising strategies can enhance brand visibility and customer engagement.
3. Flavor Development - Exploring new flavor combinations in well-loved dishes allows for product differentiation and meeting consumer demand for novel experiences.

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