New Jackass Movie Free Online

Jackass 2.5 to Debut Dec. 19

On Dec. 19 “Jackass 2.5” will made available online by Paramount Pictures.

Jackass fans that have come to expect a mix of high level character development and sophisticated dialog that doesn't “dumb it down” for the audience, as well as top notch special effects, should not be disappointed.

There is even Oscar-buzz surrounding Johnny Knoxville this time around. Recognition is due after being overlooked for his tour de force in The Dukes of Hazzard movie where he upstaged acting legend Burt Reynolds. The next installment of the “Jackass” franchise is has composed of original material and unseen outtakes from “Jackass: Number Two” is over an hour long.
Trend Themes
1. Online Movie Release - The trend of releasing movies online presents an opportunity for movie studios to reach a wider, global audience, while also reducing distribution costs.
2. Original Content - Creating new, original material from existing franchises can appeal to dedicated fan bases, while also generating buzz and potential sales.
3. Digital Marketing - Utilizing online platforms to market and promote movie releases can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing methods, and can also reach a larger, more diverse audience.
Industry Implications
1. Movie Industry - Movie studios can take advantage of the trend of releasing movies online to expand their reach and drive revenue.
2. Digital Media - Digital media companies and platforms can benefit from the growing trend of online movie releases by partnering with studios and offering their platforms for distribution.
3. Advertising Industry - Digital marketing opportunities for movie releases can provide a new revenue stream for advertising agencies, as well as more targeted and measurable audience engagement.

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