Interactive Advertising

Trend Hunter’s Erin Kirkpatrick Sheds Light on Activist Campaigns

Interactive advertising can do more than just sell a product. These types of campaigns have the potential to stop acts of violence and make the world a better place. Trend Hunter recently sat down with Erin Kirkpatrick, a former intern at TH who rocked her round with high quality and trend numbers. Erin’s favorite campaign was done for the National Centre for Domestic Violence, a company aiming to stop abuse against women. The company presented an interactive campaign where users could use their smartphones (iPhone 4, iPhone 5, etc.) to pull a violent man away from a woman shown on a TV screen.

Interactive advertising campaigns such as this provide an opportunity for the public to engage with the issue at hand, instead of just aimlessly walking by an inanimate billboard. Erin discusses these campaign success stories and more during her interview with Trend Hunter.
Trend Themes
1. Activist Advertising - Using interactive campaigns to promote social causes and activism.
2. Engagement Marketing - Creating campaigns that encourage public participation and interaction for better brand engagement.
3. Cause-driven Marketing - Using advertising to promote social causes while also promoting a brand or product.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit - Interactive advertising campaigns and activism-focused marketing can help non-profits spread their message and increase donations.
2. Social Justice - Interactive advertising can be used to promote social justice initiatives and empower marginalized communities to take action.
3. Consumer Goods - Using cause-driven marketing campaigns can create a positive brand image and consumer loyalty.

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