The Imagination of Victorior is a fantastical series of digital illustrations created by an artist in Thailand who goes by the name Wanchana Intrasombat.
Both humorous and breathtaking, the images from the Imagination of Victorior images have been inspired by films like Toy Story and Spirited Away. Each one contains a character with their respective companion. My favorite is definitely the one titled 'The Making of Water,' in which a small boy watches as a tree forms a cloud that produces water.
Using the brilliant combination of color and fun, Wanchana Intransombat has definitely created something special in the Imagination of Victorior series.
Implications - Modern society introduces new stresses every day and it's citizens are beginning to look towards their purchases for some relief. Items containing an element of fantasy let those with fast-paced lifestyles have fun with ease. Companies trying to attract more customers could come out with more products like this.
Dreamy Fantastical Imagery
The Imagination of Victorior Series Draws Inspiration From Toy Story
Trend Themes
1. Fantastical Digital Illustrations - The Imagination of Victorior series expands on the use of humor and whimsical storytelling to create beautiful digital compositions, presenting more opportunities for artists to showcase their creativity in this genre.
2. Toy-inspired Imagery - The influence of popular media and childhood nostalgia in the Imagination of Victorior series encourages a trend of artists and creators exploring the use of iconic films, TV shows, and toys in their work.
3. Escapism Through Art - The Imagination of Victorior series represents a growing trend of consumers seeking creative works that provide an escape from stressful modern lifestyles, presenting opportunities for artists and companies to prioritize the importance of mental wellbeing in their brand strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The demand for digitally-rendered and fantastical illustrations provide opportunities for artists and designers to create new works or market their existing designs to a wider audience.
2. Film and TV - The influence of iconic films such as Toy Story and Spirited Away in the Imagination of Victorior series suggests that there is a desire for more whimsical and imaginative content in mainstream media, encouraging production companies and creators to embrace more fantasy and escapism in their storytelling.
3. Retail and Merchandise - The growing trend of consumers seeking mental wellbeing and escapism through creative works in the Imagination of Victorior series invites businesses and retailers to consider incorporating more imaginative designs and products into their inventory to appeal to this market.