Iced Coffee Day Fundraisers

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Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation® Raised $2.1 Million

During this year’s Iced Coffee Day, the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation raised $2.1 million, marking a new fundraising record. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to bringing simple joys to children facing hunger or illness. Dunkin’ and the Joy in Childhood Foundation have expressed their enthusiasm for this accomplishment.

Dunkin’ franchisees nationwide have pledged to donate $1 to the Foundation for each iced coffee sold on Dunkin’ Iced Coffee Day for the past three years. This year, Dunkin’ Iced Coffee Day took place on June 20, the first day of summer, drawing support from consumers across the country. This year's fundraiser surpassed the previous year's total of $1.7 million, making it the most successful to date.
Trend Themes
1. Charity-based Marketing - Businesses are integrating charitable causes with product sales to boost consumer engagement and brand loyalty.
2. Record-breaking Fundraisers - Corporate-led fundraising initiatives are achieving unprecedented success by leveraging widespread participation.
3. Seasonal Campaigns - Aligning fundraising events with seasonal milestones enhances visibility and encourages higher consumer involvement.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry is increasingly intertwining with philanthropic endeavors to attract a socially-conscious customer base.
2. Nonprofit Organizations - Nonprofits are capitalizing on corporate partnerships to substantially increase their fundraising potential.
3. Retail - Retail operations are embracing cause-marketing strategies to stimulate both sales and brand image.

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