Marriage Equality Dessert Ads

Ben & Jerry's 'Love is Love' Campaign Supports Same-Sex Marriage

Inspired by the recent ruling by The Supreme Court that legalized gay marriage across the United States, Ben & Jerry's latest series of ice cream ads announces the rebranding of its chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream as 'I Dough, I Dough.'

The campaign titled 'Love is Love' began with the name change on the ice cream labels and it continues throughout Ben & Jerry's social media as well as campaign videos. One campaign video features Tori and Shante Wolf-Sission, the first same-sex couple to be legally married in Alabama. The video reflects the pair's happiness but it also exposes the reality that discrimination towards members of the LGBT community is an ongoing issue.

Ben & Jerry's have supported the rights of the LGBT community since 1989 when it became the first company to offer full benefits to same-sex couples. Through quirky ice cream ads and renaming iconic flavors, Ben & Jerry's speaks up as a positive supporting voice for the LGBT community.
Trend Themes
1. Marriage Equality Advertising - Opportunity for brands to support and promote marriage equality through their advertising campaigns.
2. LGBT+ Inclusive Marketing - Brands can create marketing strategies that include and resonate with the LGBT+ community, promoting inclusivity and diversity.
3. Corporate Activism - Companies can take a stand on social issues and align with causes that represent their values, building positive brand reputation.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - Food and beverage companies can create inclusive advertising campaigns and support marriage equality.
2. Marketing & Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can help brands develop campaigns that promote inclusivity and support for the LGBT+ community.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Companies can focus on corporate social responsibility initiatives that support social causes and make a positive impact on society.

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