Although it is unclear when humans on Earth will be able to live on the red planet, these designs for houses on Mars makes colonizing seem more real. A team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) won the sustainability-focused Mars City Design 2017 award in architecture for the Redwood Forest.
The multidisciplinary group envisioned "a series of woodsy habitats" covered by large public domes that would sit on the surface of Mars. These domes are essentially enormous greenhouses that would shelter a maximum of 50 people. The public spaces would also be equipped with water and plants. Tunnels beneath the domed structures would contain private living quarters and underground routes to other dwellings. The imagined houses on Mars would be constructed in the next 100 years.
Domed Martian Homes
These Conceptual Designs for Houses on Mars Include Gargantuan Greenhouses
Trend Themes
1. Mars Colonization - The concept of houses on Mars signifies a potential trend towards future colonization of the red planet.
2. Sustainable Architecture - The sustainability-focused design of domed Martian homes highlights the trend towards eco-friendly housing solutions in space exploration.
3. Multidisciplinary Collaboration - The MIT team's innovative approach demonstrates the trend of bringing together expertise from various disciplines to design habitats for space colonization.
Industry Implications
1. Space Exploration - The concept of houses on Mars indicates disruptive innovation opportunities for companies in the space exploration industry.
2. Architecture - The design of domed Martian homes presents new possibilities for architects to create sustainable and habitable structures in extreme environments.
3. Environmental Engineering - The development of greenhouses and sustainable technologies for Mars colonization opens up new avenues for companies in the environmental engineering field.