Humorous Time Traveling Ads's Latest Ad Spot Warns the Past About 2020

No one knew the impact that COVID-19 and its ensuing events would have on society, prompting to use its latest ad spot to fantasize a world which was warned of 2020, before it happened.

Humorously titled '2019 BC,' this 30-second ad spot lightheartedly references the wild and unexpected events that have been experienced this year. In the ad, Captain Obvious, a longtime spokesperson of the brand, is visited by his older self, who has arrived after experiencing 2020. He claims "I’m you from the future, here to warn you about 2020," and proceeds to explain what's to come.

The ad closes with the time traveler warning his younger self to use's free cancellation, as you never know what might happen.
Trend Themes
1. Time Travel Advertising - Using time travel as a creative concept in advertising could engage audiences and create a memorable brand experience.
2. Future-warned Marketing - Creating marketing campaigns that playfully reference future events can capture attention and generate buzz for a brand.
3. Evolving Spokesperson Characters - Developing spokesperson characters that evolve and interact with different time periods can add depth and longevity to a brand's advertising strategy.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and travel agencies can leverage time travel-themed marketing campaigns to differentiate their brand and highlight unique features like flexible cancellation policies.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Agencies can explore the use of time travel concepts in advertising to create captivating and memorable campaigns for their clients.
3. Entertainment - TV shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment can incorporate time travel narratives and characters to engage audiences and create new storytelling possibilities.

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