Fashionable Hospital Gowns

Rethink and Starlight Canada Design Custom Gowns for Sick Teens

Being hospitalized is never fun but Starlight Children's Foundation Canada and ad agency Rethink have made it easier for sick teens by designing custom hospital gowns for each of them.The concept was based on the notion that teenagers feel the need to express their individuality.

Six Canadian fashion designers created the chic gowns for the teenagers hospitalized at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. The project named 'Ward+Robes,' gave the teens a chance to rifle through racks of unique hospitable gowns and choose one just for themselves. Rethink recorded the reaction of the young patients for a heartfelt public service announcement.

Rethink hopes to expand the Ward+Robes project at the Starlight Children's Foundation and simultaneously inspire other global organizations to start similar initiatives. Additionally, Starlight is currently accepting donations to create more gowns.
Trend Themes
1. Custom Hospital Gowns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop customizable hospital gowns to cater to the individuality of patients and enhance their hospital experience.
2. Fashion Collaboration in Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Foster collaborations between fashion designers and healthcare organizations to create stylish and functional garments for patients.
3. Personalized Healthcare Experiences - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create personalized experiences for patients in healthcare settings, such as allowing them to choose custom hospital gowns.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate fashion and design into the healthcare industry to improve patient satisfaction and well-being.
2. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the potential for collaboration between fashion designers and healthcare organizations to create innovative products and services.
3. Charitable Organizations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Support and promote initiatives that improve the hospital experience for patients, such as custom gowns for sick teens.

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