Morbid Informative Infographics

This Home Infographic is Filled with Gruesome Facts

'How Not To Kill Yourself With Household Items' is a new home inforgraphic that'll keep you safe in your own house. We all know too many pills can kill you, but how much water is too much?

The creative team at Digg created this colorful and infographic that illustrates the amount of food and household items that you'll need to ingest to die. So be safe when you're cooking with cinnamon, as 40 tablespoons will kill you, and take care when you're brushing your teeth, as ingesting 13 tubes of the stuff will put you in your grave.

It may be a hugely morbid infographic, but if you've got a dark sense of humor and want to know some extreme facts about ingesting random things in your house, you'll love this guide!
Trend Themes
1. Home Safety Infographics - The creation of more infographics that illustrate household safety measures, from the informative and fun to the morbid.
2. Extreme Data Visualization - The use of creative and unusual visuals to convey shocking or important statistical information.
3. Humor-infused Informational Graphics - More people will use humor as a tool to educate and inform on difficult or taboo topics.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Safety - The creation of educational material that is both interesting and informative about common household hazards and risks.
2. Graphic Design - Developing new and creative ways to display data and statistics that are both visually interesting and meaningful.
3. Education and Training - Employing humor and unconventional methods to convey difficult or taboo topics such as health and safety in the home.

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