Anti-Aging Hibiscus Ice Creams

Mexican Students Created a Dessert That Prevents Premature Aging

A group of Mexican students and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Centre in Mexico City collaborated on a hibiscus ice cream that is said to prevent some of the effects of aging.

The ice cream features hibiscus, blackberry, mint and stevia as a sweetener, targeting people between the ages of 30 and 40. The healthy frozen dessert delivers numerous vitamins and minerals, 136 calories and 4.2 grams of protein in a 125ml serving.

As well as being developed to prevent premature aging, the hibiscus ice cream also boasts other benefits, such as the ability to speed up the process of digestion. Because the dessert contains mint, it is also said to be useful in getting rid of bad breath completely.
Trend Themes
1. Healthy Desserts - The rise of innovative desserts that offer health benefits, such as preventing aging.
2. Functional Food - The development of food products that deliver additional nutritional value and target specific health concerns.
3. Natural Ingredients - The demand for food products made from natural ingredients and botanical extracts for their health benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunities to create new food products that combine indulgence with health benefits, targeting specific age groups.
2. Beauty and Anti-aging - The integration of food and beauty industries to create anti-aging products that nourish the body from the inside out.
3. Digestive Health - The convergence of food and healthcare industries to develop products that promote digestive health using natural ingredients.

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