Helmet Trend Report

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Understand Protective Headgear in its Entirety

Protective headgear is of utmost importance in terms of health. However, safety is not the only reason these designs were invented, as many products lately expand on certain looks to make them more chic. Others are designed for pure shock reasons, as seen with one piece of research featuring a helmet to aid in a clean suicide. Trend Hunter explores these developments in more detail in the Helmet Trend Report, which consists of 19 PRO trends and 181 examples of helmet innovations.

Star Wars-inspired looks have surged in popularity over the last year, with many consumers opting for Jedi helmets or the famous Darth Vader head cover. Infusing sci-fi elements into certain designs is one takeaway a variety of businesses can take note of, and possibly use to inspire future innovations.
Trend Themes
1. Sci-fi-inspired Designs - Infusing sci-fi elements into helmet designs can inspire future innovations.
2. Chic and Stylish Headgear - Designing helmets with fashionable looks can create disruptive innovation opportunities.
3. Shock-value Helmets - Creating helmets with shocking elements can lead to disruptive innovation opportunities.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can leverage chic and stylish headgear designs to bring disruption.
2. Sporting Goods Industry - Infusing sci-fi elements into helmets can create disruptive innovations in the sporting goods industry.
3. Healthcare Industry - Designing shock-value helmets could lead to disruptive innovation opportunities in the healthcare industry.

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