Guerlain is venturing into the world of non-fungible tokens with the creation of its own non-profit NFT collection and an auction to support biodiversity. The digital assets created with the MNSTR agency showcase the work of four artists, Liu Bolin, Lauren Moffatt, Sabrina Ratté and Constance Valero, on the Tezos blockchain. This blockchain, in particular, was specifically chosen as a more environmentally friendly option to mainstream solutions.
All of the profits generated by the sale of these NFTs will go towards supporting the GoodPlanet Foundation and its mission to create an experimental garden dedicated to the study and protection of biodiversity.
Luxury brands of all kinds are now minting their own NFTs to create priceless, irreplicable experiences for customers that ultimately amplify brand awareness, engagement and sales.
Non-Profit NFT Collections
Guerlain Created Digital Art for the Benefit of the Planet
Trend Themes
1. Non-profit Nfts - The use of non-fungible tokens to raise funds for charitable causes and support environmental preservation.
2. Eco-friendly Blockchain - The adoption of more environmentally responsible blockchain solutions for NFT creation and distribution.
3. Luxury Nfts - The burgeoning trend of high-end brands creating NFT art pieces for their clients to acquire and collect.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Art institutions and art collectors can create NFT collections to raise funds for art-related causes.
2. Charity - Charitable organizations can create non-profit NFT collections to support their causes and raise awareness.
3. Blockchain - Companies focused on blockchain technology can develop more environmentally friendly solutions for NFT creation and distribution.