Getting started with cigars can seem somewhat intimidating, so the Good Cigar Co is a subscription delivery service that aims to provide newcomers with everything they need to get started. The company offers consumers single-time purchase options as well as subscriptions that can get them started to let them know how to properly smoke a cigar if they aren't quite sure. For seasoned smokers the Good Cigar Co offers smokers the ability to send over their preferences and have the company send them back a pack of selections that they think will suit their tastes.
The subscription service offers consumers the ability to choose from three different intensity levels including Casual, Classic and Aficionado in order to provide the perfect experience.
Cigar Subscription Services
The Good Cigar Co Provides Packs for New or Seasoned Smokers
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Subscription Services - There is an opportunity to disrupt traditional subscription services by offering personalized options that cater to individual preferences.
2. Beginner-friendly Products - Creating products or services that cater to beginners in a specific industry, such as cigars, can create a unique competitive advantage.
3. Experience-based Marketing - Offering subscription services that provide a curated experience, like the Good Cigar Co., can be successful through building online communities and social media engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Subscription Services - Companies can disrupt the traditional subscription services market by offering personalized, beginner-friendly and experience-based packages in a variety of sectors such as cigars, beauty, food, and more.
2. Cigar Industry - Cigar companies can capitalize on the trend of personalized cigar preferences by offering a wider range of flavors, intensities, and blends to suit individual preferences and creating their own subscription services.
3. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Marketing agencies can offer experience-based marketing that caters to niche industries, such as cigars, by creating cohesive digital content, engaging online communities, and creating brand ambassadors through influencer marketing.