Blended Rice Alternatives

The Green Giant Riced Veggies Blends are Gluten-Free Rice Alternatives

Green Giant Riced Veggies Blends are gluten-free rice alternatives that are made with simple combinations of vegetables and legumes that are free from sauces and seasonings. While Green Giant is known for is frozen Veggie Swap-Ins line,
these new additions are made in varieties like Red Lentil, Green Pea and Chickpea or Chickpea Cauliflower, and they can be purchased in the dry food aisle. The three Green Giant Riced Veggies Blend varieties boast 180 calories per serving, as well as nourishing sources of plant-based protein.

Now that many health-conscious consumers are swapping out ingredients like broccoli and cauliflower for rice, other rice alternatives are emerging to help people get even more vegetables into their diets.
Trend Themes
1. Gluten-free Rice Alternatives - Opportunity for developing innovative, gluten-free rice alternatives using vegetables and legumes that can appeal to health-conscious consumers.
2. Vegetable-based Rice Substitutes - Potential for creating vegetable-based rice substitutes like the Green Giant Riced Veggies Blends to provide nutritious, low-calorie options for those looking to incorporate more vegetables into their diets.
3. Plant-based Protein Sources - Disruptive innovation potential in creating new plant-based protein sources like the Green Giant Riced Veggies Blends, which offer nourishing sources of protein for health-conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Frozen Food Industry - Opportunity for frozen food companies to develop and market gluten-free rice alternatives like the Green Giant Riced Veggies Blends as a nutritious, convenient option for consumers.
2. Health Food Industry - Potential for health food companies to capitalize on the trend of vegetable-based rice substitutes by creating innovative products that cater to health-conscious consumers looking for low-calorie, nutritious options.
3. Plant-based Protein Industry - Disruptive innovation possibilities in the plant-based protein industry by incorporating new sources of protein like the Green Giant Riced Veggies Blends, which offer a nutritious, vegetable-based alternative to traditional rice.

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