Satirical Polar Resort Ads

Greenpeace's Global Warming Spoof Advises Travel to the Sunny Arctic

This global warming spoof video from Greenpeace advertises 'The Arctic Leisure Resort,' a location with some of the most hours of sunlight on the planet, which makes it the perfect place to go on vacation and get a tan.

The "resort" is set up in the arctic, which is depicted in the video as mostly a large body of water. The video campaign was created by The Netherlands' Studio Smack and it is a biting way to communicate the effect that global warming is having on polar climates.

The advertisement wholeheartedly commits to selling The Arctic Leisure Resort as a top travel destination, but it doesn't include any other kind of message after the mock sales pitch. Despite this, the effect of the video is clear, since it is sold in such an over-the-top manner.
Trend Themes
1. Greenwashing Awareness - Opportunities for businesses to develop more transparent and environmentally responsible practices in response to increasing awareness of greenwashing in the travel industry.
2. Climate Change Tourism - Innovative travel companies can seize the opportunity to create unique and sustainable travel experiences in destinations affected by climate change, such as the arctic resort depicted in the video.
3. Satirical Marketing Campaigns - Businesses can explore the use of satire and humor in their marketing campaigns to engage and educate consumers on serious issues like climate change.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - The travel and tourism industry can take advantage of the rising demand for sustainable and climate-conscious travel experiences.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can provide creative solutions to raise awareness about environmental issues through satirical campaigns.
3. Environmental Activism - Opportunities for environmental organizations and activists to use satirical content to engage a broader audience and raise awareness about climate change and its impact on polar regions.

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