Mutant Humans for Global Warming

The Beacon's Reversing Evolution Campaign

In celebration of the recent earth day on April 22th, the Beacon organization released a creative and powerful campaign entitled Evolution.

The campaign asks you the following question: "Ready to go back where we came from?" The question is accompanied by an illustration of the long-term consequences of global warming and its irreversible effects.

A glimpse of the possible effects shows how the human body might evolve in order to deal with the environment change. We might end up with fins, flippers, and gills, due to the ice melting. Not so attractive, huh?

I like how the campaign uses evolution in such context to illustrate the catastrophic effects of global warming. Let’s do what we can, those flippers freak me out!

The concept is similar to the Animal’s of the Future exhibit:

Trend Themes
1. Reverse Evolution - Opportunity for biotechnology companies to explore the possibility of human adaptation through genetic modification.
2. Climate Change Adaptation - Opportunity for companies to develop products and services that help humans adapt to the changing environment caused by global warming.
3. Environmental Awareness Campaigns - Opportunity for marketing and advertising agencies to create campaigns that expose the devastating effects of global warming and other environmental issues.
Industry Implications
1. Biotechnology - Biotechnology companies can explore genetic modification to help humans adapt to the changing environment caused by global warming.
2. Environmental Products and Services - Companies can develop products and services that help humans adapt to the changing environment caused by global warming.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can create environmental awareness campaigns that expose the devastating effects of global warming and other environmental issues.

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