Informative Assault PSAs

The Cast of the Girls TV Series Released a PSA About Sexual Assault

The Girls TV series combats a number of serious topics in its comedic plot, many of which surround the topic of female rights -- which the cast often speaks out for personally.

With a new PSA that was made in collaboration with NowThis News, Lena Dunham and the rest of the cast explain the disturbing frequency that sexual assaults happen and the need to believe victims rather than to shame them. It's reported that the short video was made in dedication to the victim of the Stanford case, whose heartbreaking letter regarding her assault and its aftermath went viral. Lena Dunham acknowledged the impact of this with a Tweet that promoted the PSA, as well as its content. The cast of the Girls TV series explain how everyone can help to create a safer environment for victims to come forward, as well as the importance of doing so.
Trend Themes
1. Sexual Assault Awareness - Promoting awareness about sexual assault and the importance of believing victims rather than shaming them.
2. Using Media Platforms for Social Issues - Using TV series and collaboration with news outlets to address serious topics and advocate for social change.
3. Supporting Victims' Voices - Encouraging victims to speak out and creating a safer environment for them to share their experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Using TV series and media collaborations to raise awareness and advocate for social change.
2. News Media - Collaborating with TV series and celebrities to address important social issues and promote awareness.
3. Nonprofit Organizations - Supporting victims of sexual assault and providing resources for them to speak out and seek help.

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