Ghoulish Social Media Filters

The Ghostbusters Film is Using a Snapchat Filter to Get Tickets Sold

Snapchat filters have garnered the social app a lot of revenue recently, with one new addition working to promote the upcoming Ghostbusters film that's set to premiere in theaters July 2016.

The Snapchat filter tells this to any who select the option on the app, which features the franchise logo and a menacing ghost that pops up to superimpose what's being captured by the camera. Music from the movie plays in the background while all of this happens, with the unique filter prompting users to spread word of the release to their friends and lead to higher box office sales.

The collaboration with Snapchat is one of many ways that the Ghostbusters film is being promoted using non-traditional methods -- with one example being the partnership with Lyft that allowed users to ride in the 'Ecto-1' free of charge while munching on Twinkies.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Film Filters - Opportunity for movies to use social media to create promotional filters to increase ticket sales.
2. Collaborative Marketing - Opportunity to collaborate with non-traditional partners to promote products or services.
3. Interactive Promotions - Opportunity to create interactive promotions that increase consumer engagement with a product or service.
Industry Implications
1. Film Industry - Opportunity for film producers to use social media to create interactive marketing campaigns.
2. Social Media Industry - Opportunity for social media companies like Snapchat to partner with films to create promotional filters.
3. Ride-sharing Industry - Opportunity for ride-sharing companies like Lyft to collaborate with films to create promotional experiences.

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