Matured Misfit Cartoons

Artists Imagine the Garbage Pail Kids All Grown Up

The Garbage Pail Kids were a crass group of cartoon character inspired by the Cabbage Patch Kids phenomenon. Although long put aside for more modern shows and characters, two artists decided to revisit this series as a play on the common "Where are they now?" stories about child stars.

Art director Jake Houvenagle and photographer Brandon Voges decided to remake a handful of classic Garbage Pail Kids covers with what they would imagine the characters would look like not only grown up, but as real life adults. The results are quite disturbing. Beautiful Decay writes, "The artists cleverly match each Garbage Pail Kid with a suitable occupation that matches their unfortunate, gross personality trait. For example, the unholy Bony Tony, who has the ability zip off his skin, is now, thirty years later, a stripper!"
Trend Themes
1. Reimagined Nostalgia - Opportunities for artists to create new takes on classic characters and franchises, appealing to both nostalgic and modern audiences.
2. Adultification of Children's Content - The exploration of more adult themes and concepts within children's media, attracting an older audience.
3. Dark Humor in Visual Arts - The incorporation of taboo or controversial subject matter into visual art, challenging conventional norms and expectations.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Opportunities for media companies to capitalize on the nostalgia of older audiences through the revival of classic franchises and characters.
2. Art - Opportunities for artists to create and promote controversial or taboo content, appealing to a niche audience.
3. Fashion - Opportunities for fashion designers to incorporate alternative aesthetics and themes, such as dark humor and nostalgia, into their apparel designs.

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