eSports-Inspired Gaming Apparel

Her Universe Debuts Overwatch and World of Warcraft Collaborations

Her Universe's latest line of chic gaming apparel is informed by Overwatch and World of Warcraft — a collaboration that came to be in high demand. The collection dropped just in time for BlizzCon, ultimately amplifying the exposure of the product.

Her Universe is a "groundbreaking fangirl fashion company and lifestyle brand" that brings game-inspired apparel to avid consumers. While the Overwatch and World of Warcraft collaborations were female-centric, the company also offers some gamer fashion for men through its joined brand Our Universe. Both extensions of the company are built on "stand-alone entertainment and merchandise."

Through its collaborative collections of gaming apparel for women, Her Universe attempts to break the male-dominated environment in gaming circles and make it more accessible.
Trend Themes
1. Gaming Fashion - There is a growing trend of gaming-inspired apparel for both men and women, offering opportunities to disrupt the fashion industry with unique designs and collaborations.
2. Female-centric Gaming Apparel - The demand for female-centric gaming apparel is rising, creating opportunities to tap into an underserved market and redefine the gaming fashion industry.
3. Collaborative Gaming Merchandise - Collaborations between gaming franchises and fashion brands are on the rise, presenting opportunities for disruptive innovation in the merchandising sector.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can benefit from exploring the gaming apparel trend, partnering with gaming brands, and diversifying their offerings.
2. Gaming - The gaming industry has the potential to expand its market and engage more female consumers by promoting and supporting female-centric gaming apparel.
3. Merchandise - The merchandise industry can leverage collaborative partnerships with gaming franchises to create unique and sought-after products that appeal to gaming enthusiasts.

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