Nikolas Ilic, a Canadian designer and visual development artist, created a series of Game of Thrones paintings that represent several of the medieval characters. The HBO superstars are reinterpreted in cartoon form in this series. They are minimally designed, but still contain enough detail to look as if they belong in a Pixar animation or a Disney movie.
They contain humorous features, like sharp chins and pointy noses. The figures are also exaggerated; they are either really slim or very wide. The clothes they are donning, however, remain true to the garments they weear in the television series -- along with their weapons. For example, Ygritte is seen with her crossbow and King Joffrey is depicted with his sword.
Minimally Medieval Paintings
Nikolas Ilic Designed Cartoon-Like Game of Thrones Paintings
Trend Themes
1. Cartoon Game Adaptations - Designing cartoon-like adaptations of popular games or TV shows can provide a fresh take on popular characters while still retaining familiar elements.
2. Minimalist Art - Creating minimalist art can give old characters a new identity and help develop a new understanding of their personality and role in popular culture.
3. Exaggerated Features - Exaggerating the features of popular characters can bring attention to their defining characteristics and create a recognizable and iconic style.
Industry Implications
1. Animation - Designing cartoon-like adaptations of popular games or TV shows can provide an opportunity for animators to showcase their skills in character development and build a fan base.
2. Merchandising - Creating minimalist art can provide an opportunity to expand merchandising efforts to a wider audience while still delivering recognizable and unique products.
3. Entertainment - Exaggerating the features of popular characters can bring attention to different aspects of their persona, providing creators and filmmakers an opportunity to explore new storylines and concepts.