Fur Trend Report

Cutting-Edge Insight into the Most Controversial Fashion Materials

For centuries, fur has been a staple in fashion, usually reserved for the more affluent or regal members of society. Nowadays, and much to the chagrin of organizations like PETA and Caring Activists Against Fur (CAAF), fur is still used in fashion, but to a much lesser degree than decades past. Use Trend Hunter's Fur Trend Report to uncover key forces keeping fur on runways and catwalks all over the world.

Although fur in fashion is considered to be outright absurd in some circles, others have learned to cope with the negative reactions. However, faux fur has created a lot of interest recently because not only does the look and feel closely resemble actual fur, but it also eases the backlash and negative attention caused by activist groups.

By using our crowd-sourced research, you will be exposed to the most cutting-edge innovations that utilize fur, faux and real, for things like wallets, hats, jackets, gloves, shoes and more.
Trend Themes
1. Faux Fur Innovation - Opportunities to develop and market alternative materials with the look and feel of real fur.
2. Sustainability and Ethical Fashion - Growing consumer demand for ethically sourced and sustainable fashion options.
3. Technology-enabled Fur Products - Innovative use of technology to enhance and customize fur products.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Opportunities to lead the shift towards sustainable and ethical fashion practices.
2. Textile Industry - Opportunities to innovate and develop new materials that are environmentally conscious yet mimic real fur.
3. Technology Industry - Opportunities to develop and implement technology enhanced fur products with consumer personalization features.

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