Cork Coated Vino Bottles

Chris Ferrante Gives a Nod to Tradition with His Fufluns Wine Packaging

Design student Chris Ferrante created concept packaging for a fictional Tuscan winery entitled Fufluns wine. Named for the Etruscan god of wine, Chris Ferrante has found a way to celebrate tradition while still embracing modernity.

In recent years wine manufacturers have begun to favor a rubber cork in place of the traditional stopper. The rubber cork allows for a tighter seal and helps the wine maintain it’s flavorful prowess for longer. The only difficulty is somewhere in the thousands of years of tradition that wine-making has enjoyed, wine connoisseurs began to favor the feel, look and smell of real cork. To remedy the stylistic and quality conflict, Chris Ferrante created a label of screen printed adhesive cork and opted for a rubber stopper with accented with the company’s name created from a custom rubber stamp.

The perfect combination of tradition and concern with quality, Ferrante’s Fuflus wine packaging is sophisticated yet unexpected.
Trend Themes
1. Rubber Cork - Exploring the use of rubber cork as an alternative packaging material for wine bottles opens up opportunities for enhanced seal and prolonged flavor preservation.
2. Screen Printed Adhesive Cork - Utilizing screen printed adhesive cork as a label presents a unique way to combine tradition and modernity in wine packaging design.
3. Custom Rubber Stamp - Incorporating a custom rubber stamp to create the company's name on a rubber stopper demonstrates an innovative approach to branding and personalization in the wine industry.
Industry Implications
1. Wine Manufacturing - Wine manufacturers can explore the use of rubber cork and screen printed adhesive cork labels to differentiate their products and attract consumers seeking a modern twist on traditional wine packaging.
2. Packaging Design - The packaging design industry can consider the incorporation of custom rubber stamps for personalized branding, providing a unique and memorable experience for consumers.
3. Wine Retail - Wine retailers can leverage the trend of cork coated vino bottles to showcase products that combine tradition and innovation, appealing to both traditionalists and modern wine enthusiasts.

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