Artistic Amphibian Photography

These Frog Photos Make Typically Gross Animals Absolutely Adorable

Unless you're a serious fan of amphibians, frog photos may not be the number one kind of photography you actively seek out, but the way Wil Mijer portrays these playful creatures may change your mind. These photos take frogs out of their typical mossy homes in the swamp and puts them out in a new, mystical world.

While frogs aren't scorned nearly as much as snakes and spiders, they still aren't everybody's favorite animal. While they can be considered pests, they do have their redeeming qualities, all of which are brought out in this photo series.

The frogs photographed aren't the typical garden variety though, as all of them are colorful, tropical frogs. Laying their colorful skin against an equally magnificent background makes for some beautiful macro photography.
Trend Themes
1. Amphibian-centric Photography - A photography trend focused on amphibians and their habitats, allowing for unique and stunning compositions.
2. Macro Photography - A trend in photography that focuses on capturing close-up images of small subjects, providing opportunities for unique and intricate photographs.
3. Wildlife Photography - Wildlife photography has seen an uptick as people are more inclined to explore the beauty of nature around them through close-up images of animals.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photography industry can take advantage of these trends by offering courses in macro photography and amphibian-centric photography.
2. Environmental Conservation - The promotion of eco-tourism and protection of amphibian habitats and conserving their existence through creative promotions like amphibian-centric photography can give a rise to the environmental conservation industry.
3. Fashion and Design - Drawing inspiration from the vibrant and bold colors exhibited by these tropical frogs, the fashion and design industry can leverage these colors and patterns in their latest design trends.

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