Epicurean Southern Ciabattas

This Fried Chicken Sandwich is a Surprisingly Gourmet Lunch Option

When you think of a fried chicken sandwich, greasy fast food or diner options might come to mind. However, this menu item from Centra puts a gourmet spin on the southern classic. Their Southern Fried Chicken Ciabatta is just one of their gourmet sandwiches. Great for lunch, it takes things to a higher level with brie cheese, roasted red peppers, mixed greens and sweet tomato relish.

The fried chicken sandwich is just one of ten gourmet lunch selections offered by Centra as a part of their Love Lunch line. Even though it's only available in the UK (for €4), this is perfect for professionals who prefer to purchase their mid-day meal. Convenience and quality are both present and particularly appealing.
Trend Themes
1. Gourmet Fast Food - Companies can create gourmet versions of commonly considered fast food items to appeal to a more sophisticated market of consumers.
2. Convenience and Quality - Combining the convenience factor with high-quality food can appeal to busy professionals who prioritize both factors in their food choices.
3. Menu Innovation - Continually adding new menu items with unique and unexpected flavor combinations can keep consumers interested and coming back for more.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food restaurants have the opportunity to expand their menu and incorporate higher quality ingredients and unique flavor combinations into their offerings.
2. Office Cafeterias - By offering gourmet lunch options, office cafeterias can provide an elevated dining experience for their employees while still being convenient during the workday.
3. Food Delivery Services - Companies that offer food delivery services can target busy professionals who seek convenient, high-quality food options for their mid-day meal by partnering with gourmet fast food providers.

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