Irresponsible Beauty Ads

Fortis Bank Promotes Plastic Surgery Loans in Turkey

I really hate this Turkish ad for Fortis Bank, which promotes their plastic surgery loans.

The ad shows a typical before and after picture of a young woman with the tagline, "You get the credit, another one pays for it."

I think it is very irresponsible to target young women and tempt them with vanity. Plus, they are going to pay for it eventually, aren't they?

The ad was created by ad agency Gram İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey with photography by Murat Suyur.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-vanity Marketing - Marketing campaigns that promote natural beauty or personal health and wellness may be effective in countering the negative effects of irresponsible beauty ads.
2. Empowerment-focused Promotion - Ad campaigns that focus on empowering consumers to be confident in their own natural beauty rather than conforming to societal beauty standards may prove successful.
3. Vetted Advertising Standards - Establishment of regulations and stringent advertising standards that protect consumers from unethical and potentially harmful marketing practices may be necessary.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care Industry - Companies can explore more responsible and ethical marketing methods that avoid exploiting insecurities or promoting an unrealistic beauty standard.
2. Banking and Finance Industry - Fostering responsible lending practices and avoiding predatory loans that promote potentially harmful cosmetic procedures could create a positive reputation and attract ethically conscious customers.
3. Advertising and Marketing Industry - Agencies can prioritize ethical advertising practices by creating campaigns that promote social responsibility, diversity and empowerment, and advocate for ethical advertising standards.

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