Flood Detection Devices

The Overflow Senses Early Water Damage to Minimize Destruction

Rarely used basements are at risk of flooding with little indication of it happening, unless a gadget like this flood detection device is installed.

Called the Overflow, this product comprises a round, wall-mountable hub, a 6-foot cable and a sensor at the end of it. You want this sensitive component to dangle just at floor level in order to recognize even the beginnings of a puddle of water. If this should occur, a signal would be sent via Wi-Fi to an app on the user's smartphone, indicating a rising water level and suggesting immediate action.

What's more, this sensor can pick up the temperature of the space, it can log instances of illumination and, in addition to flood detection, it can sense motion and vibration. Michael Taylor's invention is an extensive mobile home monitoring system.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Home Monitoring - The Overflow flood detection device is part of a larger trend of smart home monitoring systems that can detect and alert users to potential risks or issues in their homes.
2. Internet of Things (iot) Sensors - The use of IoT sensors, like the one in the Overflow flood detection device, is a growing trend in the development of connected devices that can provide real-time data and notifications.
3. Multi-purpose Sensors - The Overflow flood detection device showcases the trend of sensors that can serve multiple functions, such as detecting floods, sensing motion and vibration, and monitoring temperature and illumination.
Industry Implications
1. Insurance - The Overflow flood detection device presents an opportunity for insurance companies to offer discounts or incentives for homeowners who install smart home monitoring systems to mitigate potential risks and damages.
2. Home Security - The development of multi-purpose sensors, like the one in the Overflow flood detection device, can enhance home security systems by providing additional layers of protection and alerting homeowners to potential threats.
3. Real Estate - The use of smart home monitoring systems, including flood detection devices like the Overflow, can increase the value and appeal of real estate properties by offering potential buyers added peace of mind and protection.

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