Feminine Whiskey Branding

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Raven's Lace PeachBerry Flavored Whiskey Appeals to Feminine Consumers

Rustic oak barrels, bold text and dark colors are some of the elements that are used time and time again to market whiskey to male audiences—but Heaven Hill Brands sought to diverge from the pack and created a flavored whiskey for women. As a result, Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey came into fruition.

As the name suggests, this whiskey combines peach and strawberry flavors with a 60-proof Bourbon whiskey. Since consumers will be drinking in the packaging with their eyes before anything else, Raven’s Lace PeachBerry Whiskey is branded with a lace design that hints at both its sweet and wild side.

Since most flavored whiskey is purchased by women, and flavored whiskey accounts for 12% of all whiskey sales, this is a natural way for Heaven Hill Brands to catch the eyes of female shoppers.
Trend Themes
1. Feminine Whiskey - There is a growing demand for whiskey that appeals to female consumers, presenting an opportunity for companies to create innovative and unique whiskey products marketed towards women.
2. Flavored Whiskey - Flavored whiskey is becoming more popular, accounting for 12% of all whiskey sales, creating a trend for companies to create unique and creative flavor combinations to appeal to different target demographics.
3. Innovative Whiskey Packaging - Because consumers often buy whiskey based on packaging and design, there is an opportunity for brands to create innovative packaging strategies to distinguish themselves from competitors.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol - With the growing trend of flavored and feminine whiskey, the alcohol industry can continue to develop new and unique whiskey products that appeal to a wider range of consumer demographics.
2. Design - Innovative whiskey packaging requires creativity and design skills, leading to opportunities for design agencies and designers to work with alcohol companies to create unique packaging and marketing strategies.
3. Marketing - As the competition in the alcohol industry increases, there is a need for talented marketers who can think outside of the box to create targeted campaigns to appeal to different audiences.

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