Surplus Produce Apps

'Farmsquare' Connects Consumers with Growers Who Have Extra Stock

Del Valle is a Coca-Cola subsidiary that has recently launched a new app by the name of 'Farmsquare.' Ultimately, the purpose of this service is to connect consumers with farmers who have surplus produce.

The app has users sign in and search for available produce nearby from donors, who may be organic farmers or home gardeners who have more fresh food than they know what to do with.

There are several apps of this kind that have been created in order to help consumers capture food before it goes to waste, but few of them have been successful at connecting healthy food growers directly with consumers. In the process of bringing farmers and consumers closer together for mutual benefit, Farmsquare is also set to combat poor nutrition and reduce food waste.
Trend Themes
1. Surplus Produce Apps - Apps that connect consumers with growers who have excess produce.
2. Direct-to-consumer Farming - Farming businesses that adopt direct-to-consumer models to sell excess produce.
3. Circular Economy - Creating a circular economy model that puts excess produce to use.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - Agricultural businesses that develop innovative apps to increase direct sales of excess produce.
2. Food & Beverage - Creating alternative distribution channels through technology for food and beverage businesses with excess inventory.
3. Technology - Developing apps and platforms that connect growers with consumers to handle excess inventory.

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